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Want to go deeper with your practice?

Writer's picture: Ash GeraghtyAsh Geraghty

Life is all about awakenings. We open our eyes and see things differently all the time. That's how life gets richer, deeper, fuller, brighter, more luscious. It's as if we need to move through the layers of a thing to get to the core of it's truth. This dropping through the layers is particularly profound when it comes to our spiritual lives. Along the way I have learned the habits that help me to drop down through the layers. Some of them might be helpful for you too. It's important to say that I am no way near that core of truth when it comes to the meaning of life and the nature of divinity. Hah! Writing that sounds ridiculous. But the free fall towards the core never ceases to thrill me and expand me and open me in ways I won't ever be able to describe in words.

So here is a list of practical tools and habits that provide a bit of structure to my spiritual work. Let me know if you have other habits that work for you. I would love to hear about them.

  1. Identify what you really want. What is it that you are looking for? What is your motivation for this journey? What inspires you? What do you want to achieve? Journaling these questions or just talking them through to yourself opens you up to your own authenticity. None of this will work if we are not being authentic. None of it.

  2. Find a path to follow. What resonates with you? What feels like the truth? Learn as much as you can. Can you incorporate this system into your life? There may be some changes to make in your current lifestyle. Be open to that. And be open to the fact that the system will evolve or change completely over time. That's ok. That's part of the freefall.

  3. Cut away the excess. I believe that life has become chaotic and over complicated and toxic for the majority of us. What can you pare away to give yourself more time, and more headspace, and more clarity? We grow only when we have space to expand.

  4. Create a daily routine. Routine is one of the best indicators of success. Sit down with your journal and reflect on your current routine. Make a list of the spiritual practices you would like to include into your day. Some examples could be prayer, meditation, service, gratitude, writing, devotion, magic, channelling, manifestation, mediumship, tarot, self healing, yoga, chanting, etc. Work out a sustainable daily plan that includes those practices that are important to you. Frame your day between a healthy wake up time and bedtime. And don't overschedule!!! Remember... we grow only when we have space to expand.

  5. Protect your space. It is so important. Protect your energetic space. Keep it clean. This becomes even more important as your spiritual life deepens. I may need to write a separate post purely on protection.

  6. Take silent time. Allow as much silence into your life as possible. Our guides cannot communicate through noise and chaos.

  7. Look at who is around you. We are deeply influenced by the people we are surrounded with, even if we don't recognise it on a conscious level. Look at your circle. The brighter they shine, the brighter you shine.

  8. Serve, Serve, Serve. Because this is the point of all of it. We must be in service. To the light, the greater good, the earth, the evolution of humanity. No pressure, eh?

  9. What does spiritual connection look like to YOU? Connection looks and feels different to every person. Recognise the way spirit and source energy shows itself to YOU. Recognise your own unique communication pattern. And don't be concerned because your relationship is different to others. Your relationship with the Divine is yours, and yours alone. And it will continue to change and evolve and deepen as long as you are doing the work. Don't judge your progress against anyone else. This is personal and this is unique to you.

I adore this work. It fuels me. Let me know your thoughts.

Enjoy your freefall.

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