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Love and Light

Writer's picture: Ash GeraghtyAsh Geraghty

Love and Light. Extremely off putting words when they are used in the self help and new age arena. And I get it. They make me shudder as well, at times. Because they can sound trite and glib. Just throw away words that are superficial - without depth or meaning. Yet, at the same time they are words that I need to use, and do use, in the work that I do. So this is my effort to explain the depth of those words. Beyond the 'Love and Light' brigade that are all over social media.

Recently I have been thinking a good deal about darker and heavier energies (because - hey, the world!), and how they have the ability to get in on us. Heavy and dark energies can attack our spiritual and energetic bodies in the same way a virus attacks the physical body. If our immune system is compromised, then our physical body is much more open to hosting viruses and infections. In the same way if our spiritual and energetic defences are not as strong as they could or should be, then it is easier for heavier or darker energies to make a home within our being. (*Strengthening our spiritual and energetic defences is the topic of my next blog post, by the way!)

And that's where the love and light truly becomes the medicine. Love and light with a small 'l'. Love and light in their truest and cleanest essence. As pure entities and energies in and of themselves.

In order to heal any kind of darkness we have to shine a light on it. When a darker energy takes hold, the first, and most powerful step is recognising it. Looking at it, talking about it, drawing it out of the shadows into the light. That light takes away a large chunk of it's power. It is diminished. Weakened. Darker energies thrive in the darkness and in the shadows and in the unspoken. It makes sense then, that if we are feeling shame, or if we are trying to hide our difficult emotions, the darker energies will thrive and grow and can take over. As soon as we start talking about what it is we are feeling and pulling those energies out of the shadowy corners, they become diminished. You have lived this truth countless times. A worry or fear or heavy thought that becomes suffocating within the silence of our own mind. In time it takes over, if it is given the conditions it needs to do so. Pulling things out of the shadows and into the light is a powerful medicine. It is called Shadow Work, and it transforms and heals.

Once we have them out into the light, we attack them with love. Pulling in the love from any and every place it can be found. Sitting with a loved one, in safety and trust. Sharing the weight and the darkness. That is pure love. The connection with that person and the compassion and empathy that they show, that is the antidote. Darker energies feed off fear, and love is the opposite of fear. Pour in the love! That is the medicine, the antidote. If there is no person with whom we can share in safety, we can be that person for ourselves. Journal. Write everything out, in perfect truth and perfect trust. Give ourselves the time and space to truly witness what we are living and with great compassion and patience, give ourselves permission to heal. To do the things we need to do to look after ourselves at this time. Ask - how can I help myself to recover from this? Look at nutrition - love in the form of food. Look at exercise - love in the form of movement and momentum. Meditation - love in the form of space. Prayer - love in the form of support and connection.

And what about those of us who work in the area of healing? Our purpose is purely to increase the medicines of light and of love. Creating space where shadows are drawn into the light. And pouring universal divine source energy (love) into the darkness. Using this medicine to flood the entire system and wash away darker, heavier energies.

That's how I understand the depth and the breadth and the power of the words love and light. They are medicine. They are energies and entities. They are powerful allies, and they are weapons at times of darkness.

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