Who is feeling a bit fragile right now? A bit funky. Is anyone feeling like they are walking around the world with their insides on the outside? All vulnerable and raw and hyper sensitised. You don't need me or anyone else telling you we are living in hard times. And yet, we have to keep going. Putting one foot in front of the other every day. Working, caring, adulting, crying, creating, solving, listening, fighting, loving, worrying, laughing, healing, living, dying; it all just carries on. Regardless of what the backdrop looks like. The sun still rises, and the sun still sets. And if we ever needed proof of our own strength and resilience, then surely these times give that to us. I hear people joke about the things they thought
were hardships and the things they thought were problems five years ago, looked at through the lens of today's world. Hah! How innocent we were. It's good to laugh. It's good to keep a healthy sense of humour. And if the world feels a bit darker, our humour mirrors that.
Is the world a bit darker though? What does your soul say in response to that question? What does your gut tell you? Has the balance of good and evil tipped?
Shout it with me!
There has always been light and dark. There will always be light and dark.
We ARE light and dark. Life is light and dark. The dark can be very, VERY dark.
But the light is blindingly bright. Since the first minute of the first hour of the first day, we have needed to manage the scales of light and dark. There is an actual period of human history called The Dark Ages, remember? A time so bleak and without hope that the light was barely visible. But the Dark Ages passed. The light did prevail. Light prevails.
And if the doomsday rhetoric is getting under your skin, remind yourself - Light Prevails.
There is a core of light within your being. It runs right through your centre. As bright as a thousand lighthouses. Like a fluorescent bulb of love and divinity. When the world feels heavy, come back to this. Fall back into your core of light. Allow it to expand and engulf you, until it becomes your sacred armour. Protecting you from the darkness, real or perceived, that is swirling around. Walk through the world with strength and confidence, knowing that your light not only protects you, but also lights the way for anyone who is feeling lost or without hope. In your armour, you are one of the Army of Light.
The world is not darker. Yes there is darkness. Deepest, blackest darkness. But here YOU are, shining your sacred light. With your army of millions. In your armour of divine luminosity.
Live life in a light filled manner. There are so many places in the course of a day that we can yell a firm HELL NO to the darkness. Refusing to get drawn into gossip. Refusing to propagate fear based untruths. Refusing to listen to the ego voice that will happily lead us down rabbit holes of fear and gloom. Instead we open up our hearts, ground ourselves, eat pure living food, drink our water, spread the love, meditate, move our bodies in a way that multiplies energy and joy and connection. Stay protected, wrapped in the armour of light. Share our time, our resources, our wisdom, our humour. Share our heart, our love. Spread hope. Expand the light.
Here YOU are. Here you ARE. Thank you for your service.
