Discernment. Discernment.
There is something about this word. I love it. It has power, and strength, and dignity, and honesty. It's a word that only introduced itself to me in the last few years, and it took some time for me to get to know it in all it's subtleties. It's a bit of an enigma and doesn't throw itself at you with open arms, the way some ideas do. It is both the simplest idea and the hardest lesson, in my experience anyway.
The dictionary describes it as acuteness of judgement or understanding. I have come to know discernment as an Internal Navigation System. It tells me when to take a left turn, a right turn, when to go back, when to go forward. We all have it. AND, it is the easiest messaging system to understand.
Think back to a time when there was something you really did not want to do, and think about how that felt in your body. For me, I will feel that just below my rib cage, in my solar plexus. There is a discomfort and a feeling of unease that I understand to mean, 'No, Don't Do It'. Alternatively, if I am presented with something that is the right thing for me to do, I feel it more like a wave throughout my whole body. A wave of lightness and joy. And I can instantly recognise that as a Yes. Can you identify how the messages feel for you, in your own body? We call them 'Gut Feelings'. We all have them. Allow yourself to identify what yours are.
But.... I spent years doing the opposite of what my internal navigation system was telling me. I was saying Yes to things that my soul was screaming NO to, and I was saying No to things that I was being given an emphatic YES to. It was the ultimate form of self sabotage. I have needed to spend a good deal of time figuring out the reasons why I was behaving like that, but there are always reasons. It's a form of self sabotage that comes from a lack of love for yourself, really. When you open up to Self Love, you allow yourself to be guided by your Internal Navigation System, and you become really comfortable with using your discernment. I say that Discernment is the simplest thing, because the language is so clear and unambiguous - a yes is one hundred percent a yes and a no is one hundred percent a no. It will never lead you to the wrong place. And that's the really simple part.
The hard part is giving yourself permission to follow those directions. If you are in a behavioural habit of self sabotage, then the work is figuring out what is driving that behaviour. And there will possibly, and probably, be layers of reasons, over the story of this entire lifetime, as to why you are doing that. Reasons why you started to doubt that inner voice, started to ignore that soul communication, lost faith in your own power. But the beauty is that when you do that work, work through the layers, and when you get to that place of ease and peace with your own discernment, life becomes so much simpler and so much more straight forward. When you are in tune with that inner guidance, you don't spend a week deliberating over whether you should accept an invitation or not. You are not tormented by internal conversations such as; 'Oh God, here's all the reasons I should go.....but here's all the reasons I shouldn't. I am going to offend so and so if I do go, but that person is going to be angry with me if I don't.....' and on and on, and round and round in circles.
I know that place because I spent a big chunk of my life in that place. However, imagine not having any of that. Imagine being able to take that week out of your life, that week of anguish and anxiety. Because when you are tuned into your discernment you know immediately what you need to do, and you do it. You get the invitation, you read it, and your body tells you immediately. Yes or No. And you are so at peace and easy with the communication that you don't even think about it, there is no second guessing. You recognise the answer, and you give your answer, and that's it - job done. Can you even imagine how easy your life would be if that's how you were able to approach all your decisions and your choices? Well, you can. It almost sounds too magical to be true - but you can, and it is so simple. It is the simplest thing - and the hardest thing all at the same time. It is a gift you can give yourself. Give yourself permission to tune into your internal navigation, and to have full trust in your discernment. Give yourself permission to embrace your power, and strength, and dignity, and honesty. Honour your Discernment for the mighty ally that She is. And watch the road open up ahead of you.
