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Spiritual heart, Secular world.

Writer's picture: Ash GeraghtyAsh Geraghty

I understand the notion of having a foot in two different worlds.

Straddling a divide that leaves you feeling like you never fully, or truly, inhabit either. A constant pull on each arm, as your balance shifts over to one side and then swings back to the other. Maybe this feels familiar to you, too? Perhaps since you were a very young child, you have felt a deep and strong connection to the things that remain largely hidden in this physical world. Things like the spirit inside a tree; the connection to an animal's soul; the heartbeat inside the earth; the pulsing vitality of someone's energy field; the spirits and beings and Gods and Goddesses that walk among us; the language between all of us, and all times, that doesn't use any words at all.

A fluidity of being that sometimes feels discomfort in the weight of the physical human body.

Perhaps at different times in your life you have had a sense of not fitting in, like a jigsaw piece that ends up in the wrong box. And more than likely, you have felt a deep longing to find your way home again. I think this is what it means to live with a spiritual heart in a secular world.

The world is built on, and set up for, action. For doing and progress and building and discovering and growth and improvement and success. Bigger, smarter, faster, better, the next thing, and the next thing, and the next....

We need this energy. Absolutely we do. It is because of this movement and action that we have achieved incredible things since we first showed up on this beautiful rock in the middle of the universe. The things we are capable of are truly astonishing. But I am certain that some of our astonishing capabilities have been sidelined to make more space for others. Whatever falls into the category of physical and material is important. If it belongs to the spiritual, ethereal, experiential, universal consciousness... well then we will lay it to the side and maybe take it out to look at and examine on occasion.


But...... I am sure, as much as I am sure of anything, that the integration of consciousness, and the development of our human connection to all that is Divine, IS real, deep, important work. And there are millions upon millions of souls, from these times and all the times that have come before, who know this too. I'll bet you are one of them. As much as inventing the printing press, or mapping the solar system, or discovering penicillin are all important for our human development and advancement, the integration of our inner universe with the All...... is also a pillar of this human adventure.

This loops back to the beginning however. The world in it's current iteration isn't set up to facilitate these meanderings of consciousness. Not easily at any rate. Not when there are very real and material activities and concerns which demand so very much of our time. From a tiny age, swathes of us are directed down the path of life that takes in study and career and family and distractions. So many distractions. So many things to catch our eyes and veil our souls. And so many demands. Be the smartest, the thinnest, the fittest, the richest, the funniest, the same, but different, serious, but not SO serious, perfectly groomed, but not superficial.

Be the best wife/partner/husband/father/mother/friend/son/daughter/colleague/boss. Win.


I understand with all my being why spiritual souls seek isolation. Why monks and nuns and holy people of all cultures and philosophies throughout all of time have retreated from this noisy race. I have been fascinated with these ascetics since I was a small girl. The austerity and purity of that life holds a strong appeal. The ruins of those places where they lived and breathed and meditated and prayed has an energy that can engulf me. I often let my imagination wander and let myself live that life, for a period anyhow. Pure peace. And no distractions. No demands. Space for solid connection to All That Is.

These are the two worlds. One foot in one. The other.... in the Other.

But I adore the emotional, messy, noisy, heart bursting reality of this physical life I am so grateful to enjoy. I don't want to lose one second of this thrilling ride. And this must be the beautiful point of it all. The secret. Allow yourself to be present in both worlds. Balance them. Take from one what is missing in the other. Bring the spiritual into the worldly. Allow yourself to fast, or pray, or meditate, or make devotions, or chant, or retreat. Every day. And use your worldly knowledge to facilitate it. Schedule the time. Plan for it. Prioritise it. And review how it's going from time to time.

The urge to find our way home isn't a desire to leave where we are. When we stop, and fall silent, and close our eyes, and steady our breath, and let our gaze fall inward to take in the majesty of the inner universe.... it's so clear that we have home. With us. It has been there all along. The two worlds are not two at all.

Your beautiful, sacred Spiritual heart is so needed right here, in this crazy but thrilling Secular world.

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