I was sorting through some old books this weekend. Books I hadn't opened in ten years or more. Some of the books were on the Law Of Attraction theme, and I recalled how I went through a phase back then of inhaling this subject. It excited me and I read anything I could get my hands on related to the subject. And I've always had a habit of sticking stuff inside of books. Memos, lists, business cards, flyers, that kind thing. As I fanned through the pages of one of the books, a small piece of paper fell out, covered in my handwriting. I unfolded it, and began to read. It was a numbered list. I quickly realised it was a type of wish list. Itemised. A manifestation exercise of things that my Self of ten years ago wanted to attract into her life. And as I read, my heart quickened. One by one, item by item, number one to number eleven.... each and every one had come to BE. In reality.
That me of ten years ago was in a completely different place to the me of today. Different career, different house, different income, different health, different outlook, different values, different abilities, different family structure. And I recognised that some of the things I had written on that list must have seemed like pure fantasy back then. It must have felt illogical. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when the enormity of it hit me. I had really and truly manifested some weighty things.
And I thought.......
This actually works......
Important to note at this point that ten years... well it's not exactly overnight, is it? I didn't write my list and then wake up the next morning with everything wrapped in shiny paper at the end of my bed. And it's also important to note that in that ten year time span, life had also dealt me some awful heartbreak and terrifying times too. It's definitely not a fairy godmother type story. But.....hmmmmm....
Isn't it interesting how The Law of Attraction has earned a sketchy reputation over the past few years? It's the idea that exploded on to the self help/ spirituality scene at the turn of this century with great excitement and discussion, but has become slightly embarrassing to talk about now. There are some valid reasons for this fall from grace. Questionable ideas and personalities tagged on to the phenomenon. People and energies that may not have been in alignment with pure truth. Nonetheless at it's core, at the truth of it's being - as an energy - the Law of Attraction is something very simple. And honest and pure. And it has been working for me over the last number of years in a joyful and magical way. Additionally, I find it is getting easier and easier. I think I might even understand how it works, and why.
I used to think it was all about the intention. Now I understand it to be the energy that is behind the intention. Energy. It always comes back to energy. When you have an intention or vision, the energy that will grow it is the energy of pure joy and excitement. If there are vapours of fear around not manifesting it, that swirling cloud pollutes it and stops it from growing.
Myself and my lifelong friend Cath have had a habit since we were tiny children. If we get excited about something, we squeeze ourselves in a hug and squeal in pure joy and excitement and giddiness. If we are making a plan or if there is something we are looking forward to, then that's the energy we bring to it. THAT is the kind of energy that will manifest things. There is nothing heavy or dark or negative there. It is high, light, joyful. The energy that manifests. Think of your ideas or your visions as little glowing orbs. You want to fill that orb with energy so that it grows and grows and grows, and gets brighter and brighter and brighter, until like a giant bubble it pops! And inside it is that thing that you want to manifest. If you have a houseplant you give it water and sunlight. You give your tiny orb the energies of pure joy and pure excitement. That's the water and the sunlight. If you put a houseplant in a dark place or you don't water it, it won't grow. It will die. It's the same with your manifestation orb. If you taint that energy with worry or fear or feelings of lack or panic, it's like putting the plant in a dark place. You are taking away the energy that the orb needs to grow.
But first, some groundwork needs to be laid . The soil needs to be fertile and the earth healthy. The foundation needs to be a baseline of contentment and peace within yourself, and with life as it is right now - with all of it's problems and it's worries and it's stresses. Within the life that you have right now, with all of those things that are going on, you have to find your place of peace and contentment and joy and happiness. You have to be able to say that without receiving any of these things that I want to manifest, I am still happy, I am still content, I am still joyful, my life IS great. And you have to truly feel that, and mean that for where you are NOW. That's the tricky part. That is where the work is. The work isn't in the manifesting part at all - if you get to there, you are flying it. The work is working on the soil. The manifestations are the plants that grow out of it. But it is imperative that the soil is really, really healthy. Healthy through work. Through reflection, meditation, journaling, gratitude practices, physical healthcare, mental healthcare. Whatever practices you do to get yourself into a good place, you do them all. And you do them religiously. And you work. And you don't have to be perfect for your intentions to manifest, at all. At all. But you have to be getting better and improving. That soil has to be getting healthier, day by day by day. And as the soil gets healthier, the plants get bigger.
In understanding how this works, we can be reassured about something that often worries people, or puts them off engaging in manifestation work. How many times have you heard the phrase 'Be careful what you wish for' ? As if by just having a thought, we can wreak havoc on our lives. But remember - it's the energy that does the manifesting. Energies of light and joy and excitement. Without these, our little manifestation orbs are not going to grow. So you are not going to open yourself up to your worst nightmares becoming reality. The energies just do not align.
If you are having trouble connecting with any of this, take a birds eye view of your life right now. What are you enjoying today that existed only as a thought or a wish a year ago? Or ten years ago? Can you see how you birthed it into being through intention and energy? The proof is there, in the reality of our lives. Play with it. Start small, and build up your confidence. Keep a sense of fun and magic around it all. Play the game of life. Your life. Your one beautiful life. Paint the canvas, create the masterpiece. Grow those orbs and realise that magic is real. Magic is energy, and energy is magic.
In deepest Joy
