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In Your Element

Writer's picture: Ash GeraghtyAsh Geraghty

Where do you feel MOST alive?


Close your eyes and let yourself go there. Feel the feeling. When the blood inside your veins feels supercharged and electric. When your tummy feels like it is holding the energy of the universe and you can feel every cell singing inside your beautiful body. And you think to yourself; THIS is what it means to be alive.

I truly hope you have felt that precious feeling at least once. Flow. Oneness. Bliss. I'm certain we should feel it more often than we do. In your mind's eye, what are you doing? Where are you?

I think as you travel through life, this scene changes as you evolve and change. When I was younger, it would have involved dancing and very loud music. That's what would have given me those feelings. The music, the noise, the crush, the dancing, the euphoria. That's what would have made me feel like I was holding the universe inside of me. Out of body yet totally in body. Everything all together. Complete oneness.

I get the very same feeling now, in a different way. Let me away, up some cliffs on a stormy day. Or into the middle of a forest while the wind roars through the arms of the trees. I feel the universe inside my belly then. I feel the electric current in my veins. Out of body yet totally in my body.

We are born with an element that we have a strong connection to. For me, it is air. The roar and rush of wind exhilarates me now the way the roar and rush of crowds and noise did when I was younger. When I get overwhelmed and I need to connect back into myself, the most powerful way I can do that is to use the element of air. I will take myself up to the highest spot I can, and open my arms to the embrace of the wind. If the storm Gods are in the mood, I can roar along with them, with all the breath in my body. Nothing like it. Nothing as powerful or as healing, for me.

What is your element? There are a couple of men in my family who are totally at one with fire. Gathering wood, building the fire, lighting it, and sitting staring into it. That's their medicine. Indoors or outdoors, fire transfixes them and heals them. It is their element. It is so important for them to connect with it regularly. Another of my men is a water soul. He will swim in open water twelve months of the year. The boy who walks out of the water is not the same boy that walked in. The difference in him is profound, and that is something he was able to articulate himself from the tiniest age. He KNEW that water healed him. He knew that it was vital for him to access it and use it, especially when life felt like it was heavy.

Maybe you are an earth soul, and green earthy spaces fill you with light and bliss. When you feel overwhelmed, do you have a longing to get outside and breathe the air and feel the cool earth beneath your feet? Maybe you work with and care for your own piece of earth and that is what gives you joy and bliss and healing. Earth souls are also replenished through the physical body and movement. Running, yoga, weights, dance, walking... using the body opens the flow of joy and energy and healing.

Is connecting with Spirit your recharge point, through prayer or meditation? Can you reach a state of ecstasy and pure energy through your daily practices? For people like this, regular time alone to connect to the divine is essential.

Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit. One of my men is gorgeous mix of all five. He can use any of them to get to his happy place. Maybe that's you too?

If you can't identify what your element is, go back to that scene you pictured in your mind's eye. Look at all the features. What environment are you in? Are you alone, or with people, or animals? What activity are you engaged in? Is it something that uses the physicality of your body or is it more dependent on the environment that you are in? Once you have identified your element, or elements, you now have the power to tune into one of your greatest healers. Develop a strong relationship with it by connecting in with in regularly. Respect it and give thanks for its generosity and wisdom. It most definitely doesn't need to be complicated. If water is your ally, and open water is not accessible to you, then make a point of taking a bath as often as you can. Make the bath into a ritual, and give it a sense of occasion. If you connect with fire as your element, you can use the flame of a candle to focus on at times when building an open fire is not possible or practical. The idea is simply to open that flow of bliss and oneness that happens so powerfully when we connect in with our elemental ally. If you ever feel disconnected, or low, or overwhelmed, it is a tool that is ready and waiting for you. And when time and life allows, take it to the maximum. Roar at the top of a mountain, dance around a bonfire at midnight, swim in open sea in winter, sleep on the summer earth under the stars, go on a silent meditation retreat.

We need bliss and flow and oneness. It's our purest state of being. More bliss and flow and oneness for every person makes this a world that is infinitely more light filled. That's the world I want to live in, and I want it for you too. Find your element, live your life in your element.

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